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Adhesive Removing Plier
Adhesive Removing Plier
Superior tip design allows easy access to remove excess adhesive after debonding.
Band Removing Plier
Band Removing Plier
For the safe and quick removal of posterior bands.

Bird Beak Plier
Bird Beak Plier
A very popular utility plier for all types of wire bending.
Bracket Remover - Angled
Bracket Remover - Angled
Similar to the straight variation (TEN319) but with angled beaks for easier access in difficult to reach posterior brackets.

Bracket Remover - Straight
Bracket Remover - Straight
The sharp tips wedge between the edge of bracket base and tooth surface, lifting off the bracket with no patient discomfort. The tips grip securely for reliable horizontal or vertical removal.
Hammerhead NiTi Cinch Back Plier
Hammerhead NiTi Cinch Back Plier
Ciniches and bends NiTi archwire intra-orally distal to the buccal tube with no heat necessary. For archwires up to .025". Slim tips allow for precise working.

Hard Wire Cutter
Hard Wire Cutter
The go to wire cutter. Cuts hard wire from .022" x .028" and .028"
Hook Crimping Pliers
Hook Crimping Pliers
Easily and quickly crimp stops, hooks and posts to archwire. Slot fits over base of hook while holding it tight for crimping.

How Utility Plier
How Utility Plier
A handy utility plier that features serrated tips for a firm grip. Great for placing and removing archwires and auxillaries.
Light Wire Plier
Light Wire Plier
Has tapered beaks which allow intricate bends and loops to be made in archwires up to .020". The smooth un-grooved beaks make it ideal for bending light wires.

Loop Forming Plier
Loop Forming Plier
Ideal for making a precise loop in .045", .060" & .075" diameters in archwires up to .022" x .025".
Micro Mini Pin and Ligature Cutter
Micro Mini Pin and Ligature Cutter
Extra slim cutter designed for even easier access in constricted areas. For soft wire up to .012"

Micro Mini Pin and Ligature Cutter, 15º angled
Micro Mini Pin and Ligature Cutter, 15º angled
With its 15 degree angled tips this cutter allows easier access in difficult areas and better visibility. Cuts soft wires up to .012"
Mini Pin and Ligature Cutter
Mini Pin and Ligature Cutter
Cuts soft wire up to .012" with the slim tips making it easy to use in awkward areas.

Pin and Ligature Cutter
Pin and Ligature Cutter
A standard non angulated pin cutter for use on soft wire from .012" to .016".
Retangular Forming Arch Plier (Tweed)
Retangular Forming Arch Plier (Tweed)
Great for bending and torquing archwires with no damage. For archwires up to .022" x .025".

Safety Hold Distal End Cutter
Safety Hold Distal End Cutter
For safe intraoral use. Shear cuts and securely holds wire from .012" to .021" x .025". Longer handle option also available
Safety Hold Distal End Cutter - Long Handle
Safety Hold Distal End Cutter - Long Handle
For safe intraoral use. Shear cuts and safely holds wire from .012" to .021" x 0.25".

Three Jaw Plier
Three Jaw Plier
For adjusting anf contouring archwires, clasps and retainer wire up to .030" without damage. The tapered beaks allow for delicate bending.
Weingart Plier - Slim
Weingart Plier - Slim
Slim version of the Weingart Standard instrument.

Weingart Plier - Standard
Weingart Plier - Standard
The serrated beaks grip archwires firmly and the angle tips fit easily into awkward areas. A general utility plier with many practical uses.